Schedule & course descriptions

Swing Dance Courses

Fall 2024


Course schedule


All classes take place in Altrimenti, salle Rheinsheim (5, avenue Marie-Thérèse, Luxembourg city)

course calendar

Course Descriptions

Course Description
Lindy Hop Essentials
0 – 12 months
In this course you will learn the basic skills of leading, following and improvising on a social dance floor. Already after the very first class you will be able to stay on the dance floor for the whole song moving together with your partner no matter the pace of the music.

We will learn the basic rhythms and shapes of Lindy Hop, get acquainted to the origins of Jazz dance and features of the Swing music. This level is great for absolute beginners to Jazz dance (and any dance).

You are also welcome to enroll in this course if you know a bit or quite some of Lindy Hop, but

– still don’t feel comfortable improvising on social dance floor,

– find it challenging to make your dance more musical rather than technical,

– find changing roles difficult.

Lindy Hop Progression
This course is dedicated to solidifying your basics in both roles. You will graduate this course knowing a great variety of basic moves (and their names) encountered on the Lindy Hoping dance floors all over the world.

This course is great for you if you already feel comfortable moving on the dance floor with a partner in any role – leader or follower and wish to

– grow and expand your Lindy Hop moves vocabulary,

– explore the authenticity of the Lindy Hop,

– deepen your knowledge in the culture of Swing dance community.

Lindy Hop Variations
When you know the basic code of Lindy Hoppers, when you practiced the basics on the social dance floor and feel absolutely comfortable with it, you start looking for variations and ideas outside the first box that you’ve been given.

You have started to visit workshops and/or festivals in Luxembourg and abroad and are a frequent social dancer.

In this course we develop the basic forms into more intricate (yet still authentic) variations, learn classical move combinations and other good ideas for slow and quick music.

Lindy Hop Focused
Choose this group if you want to focus on one role—either as a leader or a follower. This is a mixed level group, open to everyone who has completed at least one full semester in the beginner course and regularly attends our social dancing events.

You have started to visit workshops and/or festivals elsewhere and are a frequent social dancer.

This course is ideal for those who want to deepen their expertise in their chosen role while enjoying a supportive and dynamic learning environment.

Balboa & Vintage Swing Revive An exciting approach to learning Swing dance is by following the development of the dance itself! Did you know that Lindy Hop consists of many other small dances that existed in the era? Some of those were only short crazes that later gave in to the all encompassing Lindy Hop while other ‘shags’ (meaning dances) stay celebrated up to these days.

Getting to know the dances and music of the context of early years of Lindy Hop will deepen your social dance skills and take your understanding of what is what in Jazz dance to a whole new level.

A big part of this course will be dedicated to Balboa – a dance derived from the West coast of the USA rather than East coast. Balboa is one of those dances that thrive up to these days. It is characterized by an upright posture with partners standing chest to chest and faster jazz music.


Solo Jazz Essentials
In this course, you will take your first steps into the vibrant world of Solo Jazz dance. No prior dance experience is needed.

From the very first class, you’ll be moving to the rhythms, exploring fundamental steps and expressions that make Solo Jazz unique. This level is perfect for absolute beginners to Jazz dance (and any dance). You are also welcome to join if you have previously taken a Solo Jazz course but

– want to reconnect after a long break

-feel the need to strengthen and solidify your basic vocabulary before advancing.

Solo Jazz Progression
This course is dedicated to taking your Solo Jazz to the next level. You’ll deepen your understanding of essential techniques and explore the artistry of improvisation, allowing you to dance with more confidence and creativity.

This course is great for you if you already feel comfortable with the basics of Solo Jazz and wish to

– refine and elevate your technique

– experiment with rhythm and movement in new ways

– immerse yourself further in the rich culture and history of the Swing dance community.

Solo Jazz Variations
This course is tailored for seasoned Solo Jazz dancers who are ready to push their boundaries and refine their craft. You’ll dive deep into advanced techniques, exploring intricate variations, syncopation, and dynamic routines.

This level is perfect for you if you have a solid foundation in Solo Jazz and wish to:

– challenge yourself with complex rhythms and transitions,

– elevate your personal style and deepen your musicality,

– immerse yourself in the artistry of Solo Jazz,

through the guidance of different passionate teachers, along with our resident instructor.

Blues Essentials
This class is perfect for those who want to discover the world of couple blues dancing or deepen their blues basics. It’s tailored for individuals with one semester or less of blues dancing experience, including absolute beginners who are eager to learn. Join us if you want to learn how to dance to beautiful blues music.

In Blues Essentials, you will learn foundational techniques and stylish moves that will have you dancing with groove in no time. Our instructors will guide you through the essentials of partner connection and musical interpretation, setting a solid foundation for your blues dancing journey.
Come discover the joy of blues dancing and start your blues exploration with us!


Blues Progression



Welcome to Blues Progression, a versatile class open to everyone who has taken blues classes for more than one semester and is confident with the basics of both couple and solo blues dancing.

This semester everything turns around flow. The flow in your body, the flow with your partner and the flow in the music. Finding this flow will make you feel that special connection with music, your partner and yourself.

Step into Blues Progression to elevate your blues dancing skills and embrace the expressive world of blues music!**

**For both blues dance courses you can register in one of three roles: Leader, Follower, or Switch. If you register as a switch, you’ll be able to choose your role (i.e. leader or follower) for each class individually. We assume that where there are large imbalances for a particular class, Switch dancers will balance out the class. To register as a switch dancer, please write “Switch” in the comment box of the registration form.


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